Home Features Eco

5 Eco Friendly Home Features

May 31, 2024•2 min read

5 Eco-Friendly Home Features

Hi, I'm Amanda Oldfield with the EXP Realty here in 100 Mile House and Interlakes Bc. In a world where climate change is on everybody's mind, more buyers are looking for homes that are eco-friendly and energy efficient to help keep down their costs and lay their minds at rest that they're doing their part.

8 Reasons

According to realtor.com, the growth of eco-friendly homes has more than doubled since 2018. Danielle Hale, the chief economist with realtor.com, has said, the data suggests that consumers taste and preferences are leaning in an earth-friendly direction, the sellers positioning their properties to meet those new and growing demands. So what are the five eco-friendly things that buyers want on their list? Number one, not surprisingly, is electrical vehicle chargers. As we see more electric vehicles on the roadways, it's not surprising that buyers are looking for electric vehicle chargers in their homes. Number two is passive homes. Now, that might sound like a weird term, but it's just a home that meets a certain standard of efficiency. One of the big features of this type of home is preventing warm air from escaping your rooms and blocking cool breezes from blowing in. It's a fairly new type of construction, but it is on the rise.

Number three xeriscaping, that involves replacing your lush green lawn with native plants that don't need as much watering, keeping your water usage down. Tankless water systems, we're seeing lots more properties install these to help combat high water costs. Although upfront expenses are higher for this type of water heater, savings down the road is what the buyer's looking for. And finally, number five is solar. Solar is still the number one energy efficient feature buyers are looking for in their home search. In fact, according to Zillow, homes with solar energy systems sold for 4.1% more on average than comparable homes without solar. So if you are a buyer looking for the perfect eco-friendly home, please reach out to my team and I so we can begin the search and sellers, if you're in the market to sell, remember your eco friendly energy items in your home can help you get a return on your investment. I'm Amanda Oldfield with EXP Realty, and I'm here to help.

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