looking for a seller

Buyers, Are You Looking for a Desperate Seller?

June 03, 2024•1 min read

Buyers, Are You Looking for a Desperate Seller?

8 Reasons

Look at this, it is a gorgeous fall day, and if you're one of those buyers who is hoping that you're going to get a deal come wintertime, now's the time to sort of start shopping.

What we see at this time of year is all of the sellers who are serious about getting out before winter are starting to get a little worried about it. They're doing those price reductions if they're serious, and they're going to get ready to be sold before winter. So if you're a buyer looking to time the market, now's the time you should be out there.

if you have questions, I'm Amanda Oldfield, and I'm here to help. Give me a call.



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