Hire a Realtor

Why you should hire a Realtor

June 02, 2024•2 min read

Why you should hire a realtor

why you should hire a realtor

Can you buy or sell a home in the 100 Mile Area without losing thousands of dollars on your bottom line?

We all want that, right? but you need to do a few things.

You must be sure to hire a real estate agent when looking to buy or sell your home.

Hi, I'm Amanda with eXp Realty, and that's an awesome question.

There's all this talk about working with companies

to buy or sell a home without an experienced Realtor. Or by hiring a discount broker, who will sell your home for next to nothing, because they lack the experience to be able to actually compete with agents and brokers, who truly know how to outperform them

It makes me crazy. Now, I don't profess to be a doctor, but buying or selling your home is likely one of your largest assets right next to your body. You wouldn't operate on yourself, would you?

Yeah, me either.When hiring a doctor, you wouldn't want to hire a doctor that specializes in fixing a different body part, than the one you have trouble with. If you had broken your hip, you wouldn't go to a foot doctor. No, you'd go to an experienced doctor

who specializes in hips. So do the same with your real estate professionals. It can truly make the difference between you losing a lot of money and potential interest when you're selling. If you hire an inexperienced real estate professional to capitalize on your investment, well, that stinks for you. So hire someone experienced.

Lastly, what about negotiations? What if you were being sued, wouldn't you want to hire the very best attorney to keep you out of jail? Or to keep more money in your pockets in case you had to pay out? Of course, you would. You would want to hire a great attorney,

who can negotiate between you ending up in the slammer or possibly being bankrupt. Well, your home's no different.

Remember, it's most likely your largest investment.So be careful not to hire any old agent out there, whose only card they can pull out is to reduce their commission because they don't have the negotiations and experience. If they can't negotiate, that means they can't negotiate on your behalf, either. And it could end up

costing you thousands and thousands of dollars. So take my advice, being a specialist, having lots of experience, and knowing how to negotiate is the right choice when purchasing or selling your largest investment.

I'm Amanda Oldfield with eXp Realty, and I'm here to help.

For more info reach out to me at :



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